Grizzly Bears Two Weeks

Wowsie wow...

Grizzly Bear fan and animator Gabe Askew created an enchanting video for the band's track "Two Weeks".

Said Askew to Vray: "I chose the song 'Two Weeks' by my favorite band Grizzly Bear because it inspired me. Even though the video is about two men, I connected the lyrics to my own relationship with my wife. It took about four months of after-work time and weekends. I would estimate it to be about four work weeks. The lyrics, to me, told the story of a relationship where one person is uncertain of the others loyalty. You get sucked up into the daily grind and forget to tell the one you love how you feel. They get insecure and worry that you aren't committed. And the line 'I told you I would stay' is like a battle cry for fighting to keep your relationship together when it seems to be on the brink."


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