GDT and MTh make a Studio Mirada

Wowsie Wow!  
In light of all the studios closing,
this is great news!

Mirada will house all of the tools that filmmakers need to create entertainment that lives partly on the Web, partly in movie theaters, partly in video games – so-called transmedia – under one roof.

“The goal is to create a creative business that fuses together all of those different disciplines,” said Mathew Cullen, a Mirada partner and well-known director of commercials and music videos.  The other two partners are Javier Jimenez, a co-founder with Mr. Cullen of Motion Theory, a video production company, and Guillermo Navarro, a cinematographer whose work includes Mr. del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” and the coming “Twilight” installments.

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