Thinking Animation Forums

We are very excited to provide you with a forum that we hope will make a difference. Our forums are designed to be an all inclusive, one-stop portal for everything that is animation. We hope you will join and contirbute. The forums are split into these sections:
  • general discussion
  • character animation
  • creature animation
  • stop Mo
  • flash animation
  • storytelling
  • concept art
  • acting for animators
  • mentorships
  • job searches
  • bridging the gap
  • and so much more!

But what is the big deal you say? Its just another forum...well we also have many learning documents for download, career advice, and even ancilliaries are being developed for teachers and professors to use when implementing the book into their curriculum!

BUT THERE'S MORE! Ever want to chat interactively with the people online while you are waiting for that playblast to finish? You can! There is a chat room that anyone can log into and exchange ideas or just share war stories. If the chat room becomes very popular, we will look into making private rooms and building the community even more! You can even schedule a time to talk to your favorite mentor in there!

Check out the...

Finally, the contributors for the book will be regular visitors. The problem with most forums is, there is not enough interaction with those who are actually "in the know" and less experienced animators. Those of you who want to learn more about animation...the Thinking Animation forum is a great place to start. Many of the contributors for the book are actually moderators to the forums! And for those of you who want to get away from the bitter and jaded souls on other boards...this is the forum for you!
The Thinking Animation Forum is all about sharing and expanding upon what we can learn about animation. You can study animation for a lifetime and still not know all there is to about motion and acting and how to bring drawings or computer generated puppets to life. So, join us in making a forum that is positive and actually contributes!


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