Difference Between 2D and 3D Animation

The animation is the field of art or science that has the ability to move life and enthusiasm to the non-living characters. It is based primarily on the phenomenon of persistence of vision that allows the optical illusion of objects. It is a phenomenon of the eye in an image that still appear to see one after he was on the original image has stopped. This happens for about twenty-five of a second. Animation in the early days was restricted to only hand drawings. But with the traffic you know how technology has got a new face is known as two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation of the three. And three-dimensional animation is much better than two dimensions. It adds more activity and vitality to animation.

Animation is to simulate the movement create a series of images or frames. It begins with a picture of an independent and put them together in the framework of the formation of the illusion of continuous movement. Two dimension means to draw the pictures with the help of two coordinates of engineering. And are named these as x (horizontal) format Oz (vertical) format. 2D flat, which means that if you run a picture to the side then becomes the line. While 3D includes a new dimension known as the Z format that stands on the rotation and depth. This can be illustrated the fundamental difference between 2D and 3D by drawing a rectangle and cube for. Rectangle is the number of 2D cubic while the figure 3D. 3D displays the object from every direction possible, as is the case in real life. Used 2D bitmap graphics or router to create animated characters 2D.

Different techniques used in the creation of 2D characters are transformed, twinning, onion skinning and interpolated rotoscoping. While 3D animation includes numerical modeling of characters. The various steps involved in 3D animation, character and drawing, modeling a character, and build the scene, installation, configuration cable and the camera, rendering, lightning and setup the camera, which makes editing and mixing, and so other techniques that can be applied and the use of mathematical functions and fur or simulated hair and the use of capture movement. In this way we can extract the expansion in the use of multimedia through 2D and 3D animation.


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