Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

I have always been fascinated by the science of motivation.
The above animated video explains how motivation works - in a very clear way.

Dan Pink's talk at the RSA is illustrates the hidden truths behind
what really motivates us at home and in the workplace in the movie above.
In fact, I posted a TED talk by Dan Pink a while back, 
in reference to the lack of innovation in runaway production.

The TED talk basically says
"Innovation grows when 3 things are present:
Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose."

CG/Animation/VFX all require right brained creative thinking.  I laugh when an animator tells me creature animation is harder than snappy character work, or vice versus.  It's all hard!!!  Every shot poses new problems and artists should explore all possible solutions.  Unskilled workers being paid nothing overseas is not going to result in innovation.  Only skilled workers in a nurturing environment will design clever ways to solve problems.

The best part of the solution is that
paying higher rewards isn't the answer.

Sending the work overseas to unskilled workers will only create uninspiring work.

The answer is...
It's creating an atmosphere that fosters and nurtures innovation.
Pay people enough, so they can concentrate on their work.
Offer a workplace that begs self direction from it's workers.

Finally, allow room for mastery of a skill.



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