Welcome to the 14th Legion!

Welcome to the first post of the new 14th Legion blog, a site dedicated to my exploits in the wargaming world. I am a regular poster on a number of forums, but here will be the place to catch the first glimpses of my projects. 
Typhon Herald of Nurgle

My current personal project is Heresy era Death Guard, the 14th Legion of the Space Marines after they Mortarion dedicated them to Nurgle. I chose the Heresy period as it gives me the scope to model new and unique details and also bring out the menacing background of the legion through sculpting and painting.

Currently my purchases have been based around a 1500 point army list which follows the doctrines of the Death Guard. What this translates too is infantry, and nothing but using the rules from Codex Chaos Space Marines. This list is by no means competitive and has been designed to be as close to descriptions I have read:

Daemon Prince
Daemon Prince

Great Unclean One

7xDeath Guard Space Marines
7xDeath Guard Space Marines
7xDeath Guard Space Marines
7xDeath Guard Space Marines

Blight Drone
Blight Drone

I opted to have two Daemon Princes as they will be visually dominant once finished and combined with the Great Unclean One, the army is almost exclusively Forge World resin casts (except the second Daemon Prince).

So theres the background of my current project, there are many other projects planned such as a Daikinee Confrontation army and lots of Reaper Miniatures, but I will write about those another time.

Thanks for reading 

14th Legion


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