Soda Pop Miniatures: Rin Farrah

Soda Pop Miniatures is a new company that started autumn 2009, they specialise in Anime/Tokyo Pop styled metal figures 30mm in scale. I have been tracking the progress (and buying the miniatures) since their first release "Candy & Cola" last September. They have been releasing new characters on a monthly basis and this month's concept/sculpt is just as nice as it's predecessors.

Rin Farrah is a sexy sniper archeotype whose design is probably influenced by Gurren Lagann's Yoko; a young and very volupturous girl who is well endowed in the chest and guns department. Rin will be the seventh character to be released for the Soda verse, which begs the question of is there a game in developement or what game would this figures be suitable for? As display pieces these figures are great, but the Manga/Anime art direction limits the any potential gaming use to a inhouse development.

Non the less Soda Pop once again releases a succesful niche figure otaku-gamers (like myself) will enjoy owning, painting and displaying. Rin is still in the design stage and should come up for pre-order towards the end of May, I will be sure to share this information as soon as I get hold of it.

To learn more about Soda Pop Miniatures visit the website here: CLICK

Thanks for reading
14th Legion


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