Furry Puppet - PECO Monsters

...this looks like it was a lot of fun to work on!
They sent me a link to their website,but not much else 
about the project and the folks who created it
Furry Puppet

The Brooklyn based FURRY PUPPET Studio has recently been working on a slightly unusual project.  Their spunky design team has collaborated with PECO electric company to create a series of electricity eating monsters, helping convince people to rid themselves of their energy guzzlers and trade in for some more efficient wares.

FURRY PUPPET, headed by Creative Director Zack Buchman and known for their original approach to traditional puppetry, has taken lifeless appliances like a dishwasher, refrigerator and a boring glass window and actually found a way to bring them to life. The end result is a superb combination of creative design and well-executed craftsmanship.


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